TikTok gained millions of users in a very short time. It started as a platform that you can enjoy by uploading short videos. However, it became a platform that people compete with their creativity. Almost every day, new trends started to appear on social media platforms. Once a trend starts, people try to take the best video of the trend in a very short time on TikTok so that they obtain more followers and likes. To make your videos more creative and impressive, you can use some of TikTok’s features. That is why we will explain how to add text on TikTok.
Tips to Improve Your TikTok Videos and Increase Viewers
- Add effects, texts, and/or stickers on your videos.
- Participate in new trends and challenges. It will also be helpful for you to keep your content fresh.
- Use hashtags to reach more people.
- Add songs to your videos.
- Share your post’s link on other platforms. Therefore, people who don’t follow you on TikTok can see your videos.
These tips can help you to create more impressive posts and increase your viewers. Nobody can deny that the fans and followers you got on TikTok are one of the most effective users on social media.
How to Add Text on TikTok?
If you want to add text on TikTok to improve your posts, these are the steps!
- After you took your video, you will see a “Check-in” button placed on the right bottom corner of the page. Tap it!
- Now, again on the bottom of the screen, tap the “Aa” icon and write the text.
- You can change the font, color and add highlight when you write your text. It’ll help to make your post more impressive.
- After you tap the “Done” button, which is on the right top of the page, you can adjust the duration and place of the text.
- Drag the text wherever you want and click the “Set duration” button if you want your text to appear after a specific second.
- Now, you can click the “Next” button and add any caption if you want. Then, click the “Post” button to share your video with your followers.
Concluding the Text on TikTok
In this article, we gave the way of adding text on TikTok with a step by step guide. We also answered frequently asked questions for TikTok. Hopefully, they would be helpful. Good luck with your TikTok posts!
1 Comment
It is a great piece of information for people like me that is using the app for the first time and looking for a way to add text on TikTok.